Artificial grass offers a low maintenance alternative to natural lawn that doesn’t require regular mowing, watering or fertilizing. It can save time and money for homeowners with busy schedules. However, pet owners need to take some special considerations when installing and caring for artificial turf if they want it to stay clean and last. Here are some tips on maintaining artificial grass with pets:
– Choose a durable, high-quality artificial turf designed for pets. Look for grass blades that contain antimicrobial agents to inhibit bacteria growth. The blades should also be UV-stabilized to prevent fading. Popular synthetic grass brands like ForeverLawn and SynLawn make specific “pet turf” products.
– Install a permeable base beneath the artificial grass to allow liquid to drain through. Options include crushed stone, gravel or sand. This will prevent puddles from forming on top of the grass. Ensure there is proper drainage so standing water doesn’t accumulate.
– Remove solid pet waste immediately by picking it up with a pooper scooper or plastic bag. Leaving it will lead to unsightly yellow spots on the grass. Be diligent about removing all pet feces right away.
– Wash away urine stains by flushing the area with water. Urine contains compounds like ammonia and salts that can discolor artificial turf. Rinsing thoroughly will help minimize absorption. You can use a hose or watering can to flush.
– Use an enzymatic cleaner designed for artificial grass once a month. Enzyme cleaners work by breaking down the organic compounds in pet waste to prevent odors and stains. Spray the solution onto the turf and allow it to soak in.
– Groom the artificial blades with a stiff brush or rake weekly. This will prevent matting and grainy buildup in high traffic areas. Always brush against the natural grain of the grass.
– Disinfect the turf two to four times per year with a bleach or vinegar solution. Mix 1/4 cup of bleach or vinegar with 1 gallon of water. Scrub into grass with a deck brush and rinse thoroughly.
– Consider artificial grass odor neutralizers for stubborn urine smells. Products like Simple Green Outdoor Odor Eliminator can help refresh synthetic lawns.
With proper installation and regular care, artificial grass is perfect for homes with pets. Following these maintenance tips will keep your lawn green, clean and odor-free for years to come. The small time investment is worth it for the durability and convenience of synthetic turf.