Circular Water Feature in the Center of an Artificial Grass Lawn with Connecting Bridges

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  • Circular Water Feature in the Center of an Artificial Grass Lawn with Connecting Bridges

Creating a circular water feature at the heart of your artificial grass lawn can be a captivating addition to your outdoor space. Here are some design ideas to make this concept come to life:

Water Feature in the Center of an Artificial Grass Lawn with Connecting Bridges

Circular Water Feature: Begin by designing a circular water pond or fountain area at the center of your near-circular lawn. This feature will serve as a focal point and add a refreshing touch to your landscape.

Greenery Surround: Around the perimeter of the circular water feature, consider planting lush greenery. This green border will provide a visual separation between the water feature and the open grassy area of the lawn.

Proportional Design: Ensure that the scale of the circular water feature is proportionate to the size of your lawn. It should be large enough to be visually appealing but not so large that it dominates the lawn.

Connecting Bridges: To enhance the visual interest and add an element of playfulness, design two connecting bridges that span the circular water feature. These bridges should create a symmetrical and balanced appearance.

Bridge Styles: Choose bridge styles that complement the overall aesthetic of your lawn. Whether you opt for a modern and minimalist design or something inspired by Eastern garden bridges, make sure it harmonizes with the lawn’s theme.

Illumination and Greenery: Install decorative lighting under the bridges to illuminate the water feature during the night, creating a magical ambiance. You can also consider letting green vines climb the bridge railings for added charm.

Minimalistic Decor: Keep the decorations within the water feature area minimal and elegant to maintain the overall integrity of the circular design. Subtle elements can enhance the beauty without overwhelming it.

Multi-Purpose Space: The central water feature can serve as a versatile space for hosting small-scale gatherings and activities. Whether it’s a barbecue party, a book club meeting, or simply a place to relax, this circular oasis becomes the perfect backdrop.


In conclusion, a circular water feature in the midst of your artificial grass lawn, connected by charming bridges, can transform your outdoor space into a place of beauty, serenity, and entertainment. It serves as a focal point, a visual divider, and a unique gathering spot for various occasions. Whether in the daylight or under the enchanting night lights, this design concept brings a touch of elegance and playfulness to your landscape.

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